Episode One is available as part of a bundle package known as The Orange Box, which also includes Half-Life 2, Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. Valve views episodes One through Three tantamount to a standalone release. As the game comes to an end, Gordon and Alyx are caught in a major accident, and their fates are revealed in the sequel, Episode Two. During the course of the game, Gordon travels with Alyx as they attempt to evacuate the city.

When the story begins, Gordon wakes up outside the enemy's base of operations, the Citadel, after being left unconscious from the concluding events of Half-Life 2. Episode One follows scientist Gordon Freeman and his companion Alyx Vance in humanity's continuing struggle against the alien civilization known as the Combine. The game's events take place immediately after those in Half-Life 2, in and around war-torn City 17. The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. Episode One uses the same game engine, Source, as Half-Life 2. Initially called Half-Life 2: Aftermath, the game was renamed Episode One after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Is this a significant drawback? Definitely not, because the most important is the impression.Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as HλLF-LIFE2: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game, the first in an intended series of episodes that would serve as the sequels to Half-Life 2 (2004). But back there it wasn’t even impossible to break the computer monitor in game. Well, what did you want from the 2004 year game? Nowadays of course you can interact with everything, carry it with you or use it as a weapon. This speaks of the jewelry endurance of the playing time. The episodes end exactly where it gets boring. The player will not be bored even for a second: either you solve puzzles, then you try to get out of the trouble alive, then you watch the plot whirlwinds. A huge number of opponents against a small detachment of resistance, spectacular battles, ruthless murders – this is practically the real world in which the whole story is as believable as possible. The development of events takes place in the Black Mesa Corporation. We can say that the second episode is the canon of the 3D Action genre. The success of this franchise began with the first part of the game.